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SEOUL 2023

What’s New

INFORMATION & Knowledge Sharing

PAMS Salon is a program that shares different information on Performing Arts and vitalizes exchanges and interactions between market participants. During our FORUM, we will mainly discuss International Cooperation and Audience Development. In our OPEN TALK, we will be hosting open networking & discussion sessions between festivals, venues, and artists who will participate to collaborate with this year’s PAMS.


Sharing information or trends in the performing arts sectors in Korea and around the world

FORUM 1. [Towards A Sustainable Performing Arts Sector]Current Tendency and Changes in International Relations and Cooperation

This forum explores the inbound and outbound programming directions of high-profile festivals and performance venues worldwide, major market trends, and policy changes in global cultural exchang.

  • Date   10.11.(WED) 12:30 ~ 13:40
  • VenueJCC Art Center Concert Hall

Name Affiliation and Position Nationality
Moderator Yena Kang Team Lead of Performing Arts International Development Team, Korea Arts Management Service Korea
Panels Frédéric Mazelly La Villette, Artistic Director France
Adjjima Na Patalung Bangkok International Children’s Theatre Festival (BICT Fest), Festival Director Thailand
Hyeri Kim Wooran Foundation, Producer Korea
Youngsun Cho Seoul Street Arts Festival, Director of Programming Korea

FORUM 2. [Towards A Sustainable Performing Arts Sector]

The second forum will discuss the strategies to involve more diverse future audiences. Part 1: We are going to investigate examples of audience development and marketing strategies from global festivals, venues, and institutions. Part 2: From the perspective of data analysis and arts marketing, we will also share insights and categorize different audience types through data statistics to discuss how to apply this information to audience development.
* Part 1: International Audience Development Forum, Part 2: Korea Performing Arts Box Office Information System Data Forum(KODaF)

Part 1. Different Concepts of Diversity and Future Audiences

  • Date   10.12.(THU) 12:30 ~ 13:40
  • VenueJCC Art Center Concert Hall

Name Affiliation and Position Nationality
Moderator Inhye Jeong Team Lead of Performing Arts Data Team, Korea Arts Management Service Korea
Panels Heidi Wiley ETC(European Theatre Convention), Executive Director Germany
Ian Leung Hong Kong Arts Festival, Senior Programme Manager Hong Kong
Yoahen Kim Doosan Art Center, Executive Producer Korea
Hyungjun Cho Ansan Cultural Foundation Ansan Arts Center, Manager of Programming Department Korea

Part 2. [KOPIS X PAMS] Audience Development Methods By Non-Audience Type

  • Date   10.12.(THU) 14:00~15:30
  • VenueJCC Art Center Concert Hall

Name Affiliation and Position Nationality
Moderator Seonho Shin Assistant Professor of Economics, Ajou University Korea
Panels Yumi Kim_ Kstat Research, General Manager Korea
Jean Kim LG Arts Center, Head of PR/Marketing Korea
HeeKyung Song CREDIA & Club BALCONY, Managing Director Korea
MinKyung Cha Korea Culture & Tourism Institute, Research Fellow Korea

※ Simultaneous Interpretation (Korean-English) will be provided during PAMS Salon forum sessions.
※ Programs and attendees are subject to change.